1) Dry Brushing:
What it is: Dry brushing involves using a firm-bristled brush on dry skin, typically before showering. The technique uses circular motions or long sweeping strokes from the feet upward toward the heart.
Benefits: Dry brushing improves circulation, boosts lymphatic drainage, and exfoliates dead skin, leaving your skin soft. Additionally, dry brushing helps reduce cellulite and bloating by breaking up fat deposits under the skin’s surface. It is best to dry brush in the morning.
2) Oil Pulling:
What it is: Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice where you swish a tablespoon of oil (usually coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil) in your mouth for about 10-20 minutes and then spit it out.
Benefits: This practice improves oral health by removing harmful bacteria and plaque build-up. It helps freshen your breath, whiten your teeth, and detoxify your body by extracting impurities. When oil pulling, avoid swallowing and spit the oil into the trash can.
Gua Sha:
What is it: Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese healing technique that uses a smooth-edged tool, often made of jade or rose quartz, to scrape the skin gently in upward strokes. It is commonly used on the face, neck, or body with the application of oil or serum.
Benefits: Gua Sha promotes blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and releases muscle tension. On the face, it can help reduce puffiness, sculpt facial contours, and improve skin elasticity. Regular use enhances lymphatic drainage, leading to a brighter complexion and reduces facial fine lines.
What it is: Meditation is a mindfulness practice that involves quieting your mind on a particular object or thought to strengthen your awareness. It can be done in silence, guided, or through practices such as yoga.
Benefits: Meditation reduces stress and anxiety by calming the mind, and nervous system. It also improves focus, concentration, emotional regulation, and enhances overall mental health, promoting a sense of inner peace.
Daily Walks:
What it is: Taking a daily walk or hike is the best form of exercise. You can incorporate it into your routine by walking around your neighborhood, in a park, or indoors on a treadmill.
Benefits: Starting your day moving your body has many health benefits. It significantly boosts circulation and metabolism, and energizes your body and mind. I make it a goal to walk 10,000 steps daily, which has greatly improved my mental and physical wellbeing. Taking daily walks increases your energy levels, inhances your creativity and focus, and promotes better sleep.